Research. Teaching. Public Speaking. Writing. Strategy.

Hi! I’m a multidisciplinary professional with experience in research, teaching, public speaking, writing & strategy. My work is focused on justice, authoritarian populism, conflicts, and human rights.
I currently serve as the Othering & Belonging Institute’s Head of Research for the Democracy & Belonging Forum at UC Berkeley and as More in Common’s Senior Advisor. Some semesters you will find me teaching International Criminal Law and Human Rights courses at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
I write the newsletter Connecting the Dots and moderate a monthly series of conversations titled (Un)Common Threads for the Forum. 
My work (as author or co-author) has been featured in the New York Times, the Atlantic, and the Yale Journal of International Affairs, amongst others, and I have written for a variety of institutions including CIDOB, IEMED, Vocento group, or el Público. I have had the opportunity to advise an array of organizations (via More in Common or as a consultant) such as UNHCR, climate organizations, and other NGOs across the globe.
I have been practicing yoga since 2016 and I qualified as a teacher in 2021. I completed 200hs with the East London School of Yoga and 50hs in Progressive Ashtanga Vinyasa | rocket yoga with Leon London at Indaba. 
I am originally and currently based in Barcelona, but I have had the fortune of living in London, Accra, New Haven, & Bogotá.

In the blog section I will be sharing commentary on recent (and not-so-recent) events in international affairs, musings on topics that I find interesting (including art and music), book reviews and reading recommendations, and reflections on topics of my interest. This will be in part an exercise in slow critique, hence the not-so-recent commentary; I will try to provide a nuanced analysis of complex events that are making headlines but are being oversimplified and misunderstood. Sometimes, that takes a while. Some of the writing will be scholarly, some of it more policy-oriented, and some influenced by my yoga practice, but the intention is for it to always be accessible and intellectually stimulating. My goal is to make obscure academic research easily understandable and connect ideas from a variety of disciplines. I hope find it interesting.